Get Involved

Kids summer reading program

Help sponsor a family or a child today

Our community impact so far
Impact over 40%

Are you interested in sponsoring a family or child in need? Please look no more; we accept all types of donations both monetary and in deeds. All donations will go directly to children and families, the homeless and neighbors in need. Please give a gift of LOVE to a family, the homeless and neighbors. Without your generous donations, we couldn’t do what we do.

our main goals

To continuously help and assist kids from birth to 18 and their families, the homeless, and neighbors suffering at all seasons and throughout the year. Our organization is motivated by the love of God and to meet needs in His name without discrimination

events and campaigns

Throughout the year, there are many ways you can show your support to our organization through individual, organization or community partnerships and other annual fundraising events.

things we need

we need volunteering in the following areas:

Meet our volunteers

Support us today

Giving and Receiving Donations Made Easy. Whatever ways you choose to donate; whether it is food, money or time, there are many ways to give to POL CARE and support our community.

more campaign

cultural art & educational campaign

POLCARE Hunger and Homeless Prevention Programs are designed ...

Financial literacy

The FDIC’s Money Smart financial education program can help people of all ages enhance ...

hunger & Homelessness campaign

POLCARE Hunger and Homeless Prevention Programs are designed to ...

Please volunteer with POL CARE and make a difference in our community today.